Hope For Humanity
Welcome to Geeta Manas Seva Sansthan Animal Care, where compassion meets action. Our mission is to make a positive impact on the lives of animals, starting with our beloved cows. At Geeta Manas Seva Sansthan, we are dedicated to providing nourishment, care, and support to these gentle creatures. Join us in our journey to create a world where every animal receives the love and sustenance they deserve.

Apples are widely known as cow-friendly fruits. Cows get more dietary fiber and carbs in their daily diet by eating apples.

It is mostly herbivorous, feeding mainly on fruit, but also eating seeds, roots, buds, bark, and cereals.

Pigeons will need Rice, Ragi and corn, cereals, grains, wheat, seeds etc. Budgie birds and Love birds Green beans, carrot.

Live fish food include earthworms, sludge worms, water fleas, bloodworms, and feeder fish.

Ants are omnivores, which means they eat plants and animals. Common foods eaten by ants include leaves.

Focusing on balanced nutrition, Drools makes sure that foods include the right amounts of protein, carbs, fats, vitamins,
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Aenean Tortor Atisus Viverra Adipiscing
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Ultrices Iaculis Nunc Sedaugue Lacus Elementum
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How you’re changing Cow’s lives
How can we save cows?
Saving cows from slaughter involves advocating for animal rights, supporting ethical farming practices, and making conscious consumer choices. Here are some steps you can take to contribute to this cause: Raise Awareness: Share information about the conditions in factory farms and slaughterhouses
Why should we protect cows?
Slaughtering cow has been a taboo, with some texts suggest taking care of a cow is a means of taking care of “all living beings”. Cattle is seen as a form of reborn human beings in the endless rebirth cycles in samsara, protecting animal life and being kind to cattle and other animals is good karma.
Our Volunteers
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Nick Paterson
Support Staff

Alicia Anderson
Support Staff

Michael Clark
Support Staff

Stacy Henderson
Support Staff